Interview width Padrinho Alfredo,
April 1996


Parts of this talk were originally published in Dutch for
Bres magazine # and PAN forum # 4 and 5

Padrinho Alfredo's responses
on the following subjects

The young years

Working width Padrinho Sebastiao

Receiving the mission

The doctrination of Rei Tranca Rua

The eclectic aspect of the doctrine

The basics of the doctrine

The history of Sao Miguel into Santo Daime

The Angel of Santo Maria

The connection between Santo Daime and other entheogenic plants

With many thanks to Nilton Caparelli, Yatra, Hilly and Martin, the team that translatod this interview from Portugese into English and Dutch

PA = Padrinho Alfredo, NC = Nilton Caparelli, HB = Hans Bogers.
Editing by Hans Bogers
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